New Years and Resolutions…
I don't do New year's resolutions anymore, but there is something I do at the beginning of each new year. My dear wife says I view the world as a half-empty glass. That may very well be true. But I would prefer to think of it as thinking about what bad things can happen and then being prepared for them, but then again, we can paint rainbows and unicorns on anything.
Anyway, at the beginning of each year I now look back and try and realistically gauge what I did well and what I need to do better. Understand, that's my own personal appraisal, it may not be totally realistic. But then, you need to be happy with yourself if you want to make others happy. I look for little, attainable ways I can improve my writing and myself as a person. You have to understand, I don't make myself any promises and I don't make any lists. But I do have a long talk with myself and try and realistically look at the year ahead. I try and look at the parts of my writing career and my life that I feel are lacking or need enhancements. Unfortunately, there are always lots of those.
Then, throughout the year, I sit myself down and revisit my conversation from time to time. I ask myself if I'm a little better than I was before, and I try not to tell myself little white lies. In all honesty, it works a good deal better for me than making a blanket resolution that might be unrealistic or undoable. I remember those days. Ugh! They were awful! Talk about downers! And if I did accomplish my goals I would be all worn out from the effort.
So, do you do anything on the eve of the New Year to look ahead? If you do, good luck and may the dragons watch over you...