Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Break-in Plus Six Days...
     Well, it's been a rather crazy six days since our home was broken into while we were in New England. Twenty-six hours after we got the message from the security company, our contractor and the police, we drove in our driveway. Since then, I actually haven't left my yard. I'm waiting for the new french doors with high intensity glass to be installed. We have our metal hurricane shutters bolted on over the broken sliding glass door but somehow, it makes me just a tad nervous. 
     We have talked to three insurance people, an insurance adjuster, three police women, had our fingerprints taken, and written out a five page description of what was taken. We're waiting for someone from the city building inspector's office to come by and check our new screened in porch (which we have to go outside to go into, since it is on the other side of the broken slider). We are also waiting for our contractor, who was wonderful through the whole process, to order and install our white french doors. When that happens, and we install motion detectors, it will be a relief.
     My wife and I have talked to each other, at the oddest of moments, about how we feel about the whole circus. Mostly in a sentence or two at a time, with an accompanying hug and a shake of the head. It's funny what emotions flow through you as you recover from the whole thing. It almost seems as though it happened to someone else, although as you clean up the black dust from fingerprints taken, the bits of things that were destroyed by the culprits and as both of you try and do things to make sure that it never happens again, you know it's real. We have also spoken to, texted and emailed a variety of family and friends, letting them know what has happened. Their kind, thoughtful, heartfelt, and at times, emotional sentiments, are both good to hear and sustaining.
     As with most of life, this incident will make us stronger. It sharpens our empathy to those who have lost much more than us, and someday, a long way off, it will bring us peace. To those of you who have been so caring...Thank you. To those of you who read this, become thoughtful and wonder about what the world is coming to...the world still has such a great deal of beauty, wonder and magic...don't be afraid. Live life to it's fullest...and enjoy each and every day you have. Love, laugh, and savor fully those that you love and cherish. Don't waste a moment.
     May the dragons watch over all of you...(and may they char the a**** of those who deserve it...)

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