Thursday, July 30, 2020

Just Published!
     The Falls: Special Delivery, 39th in The Falls small town mystery series, was published as an ebook yesterday, July 29th! The folks in The Falls and I are hoping you'll enjoy it. On the paperback end of the business, TheFalls: Deadly Deviation (#37), is now out in paperback. 
     Covid 19 has been keeping us all a bit on the nervous side. I have diabetes, asthma and am 72, so I'm a triple threat possible customer for the bug. I had something in January and February...upper respiratory...that knocked me for a loop. Never been so sick. My wife and I are wondering if that was the Corona virus.
     The world seems to be crazy right now, between the election and Covid and trying to understand why people seem to be so mean-spirited to each other. That kind of attitude wouldn't fly in The Falls. The folks would sit 'em down and have a long talk with the offending parties.
     My advice...keep caring about the ones you love. Be kind. Find other things to keep you from watching too much news coverage and listening to politicians who don't really care about anything but their re-elections.
     In the meantime...the folks in The Falls and I are here for you. Enjoy the new book and remember...make the world a little nicer for others each and every day!
     May the dragons watch over you... 

Friday, March 20, 2020

Corona Virus
     We now have a new normal. My wife and I are sheltering in place. We are both in our mid-seventies and I have asthma and issues with my lungs. We are trying to stay to do what all Americans need to do...stay away from people and not spread the possibility of contracting the coronavirus.
     It's a scary time...for all of us. We need to be kind. We need to be patient and we need to listen to the scientists, not the politicians. We need to stay home and wait it out. When we do go out we take precautions. Like yesterday. My wife went to the grocery store. When she came back, I got my gloves on and went out to the garage...wiped down each item before bringing it in. Then mu wife sprayed down the bags she used to bring them home with Lysol. She also sprayed Lysol in the inside of the car.
     The new normal. But it will take everyone doing those kinds of things to make the virus slow down and eventually run its course. If only some of us do that while others go out and do whatever they want, it will take much longer. And those that disobey the rules the scientists are telling us will threaten the lives of many more by their actions.
     Stay safe. Everyone. Do your part. The folks in The Falls would. I have it on good authority.
     May the dragons watch over you all...

Sunday, February 23, 2020

I know, I know...
     Its been a long time since I signed in here. That was mostly due to people visiting and a long illness, but mostly I simply was writing and doing a bunch of other things. No excuse. I have been derelict. Fir that I apologize. I will try and be better.
    As of this moment,  I'm on the 38th story out of The Falls. The 37th is in digital form and the paperback versions are complete up to the first 36 books. The folks in The Falls are all doing well, with a few exceptions which you will find out about as you peek in on their lives.
     I have a Book Fair at a local library this Saturday from 10-1 o'clock. The Lewis Library in Port St Lucie. There will be quite a few other local authors showing along with me. If you get a chance, come and check it out.
     I mentioned in passing that I had been sick. Whatever it was hit my lungs, targeting my asthma and allergies and I was in bad shape for about six weeks. Never had anything like it in my life. For those of you out there that haven't got your flu and pneumonia it. These new strains of airborne bugs are nasty. The more you can be immunized against any of it, the better. I honestly thought at one point that there wouldn't be any more Falls novels.
     On a lighter note (sarcasm)...I want to say one word. VOTE! When the primaries and general elections reach your state...please, please, please get out and vote. I truly believe there are lots more decent, caring Americans out there that don't vote who WILL make a difference. My wife and I work the polls every two years. All of us together will make a better decision on who is best to govern us. Thank you...
     Take care, each and every one of you...and know I appreciate you...and so do the folks in The Falls. May the dragons watch over you...