Corona Virus
We now have a new normal. My wife and I are sheltering in place. We are both in our mid-seventies and I have asthma and issues with my lungs. We are trying to stay to do what all Americans need to do...stay away from people and not spread the possibility of contracting the coronavirus.
It's a scary time...for all of us. We need to be kind. We need to be patient and we need to listen to the scientists, not the politicians. We need to stay home and wait it out. When we do go out we take precautions. Like yesterday. My wife went to the grocery store. When she came back, I got my gloves on and went out to the garage...wiped down each item before bringing it in. Then mu wife sprayed down the bags she used to bring them home with Lysol. She also sprayed Lysol in the inside of the car.
The new normal. But it will take everyone doing those kinds of things to make the virus slow down and eventually run its course. If only some of us do that while others go out and do whatever they want, it will take much longer. And those that disobey the rules the scientists are telling us will threaten the lives of many more by their actions.
Stay safe. Everyone. Do your part. The folks in The Falls would. I have it on good authority.
May the dragons watch over you all...
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