Saturday, October 19, 2013

The Six Most Important Words in a Relationship...
     I was listening to several people a while ago. They were talking about what were the most important words we could say in our lives. They happened to be dealing with what six words they felt were the most important. (I later learned that they had been discussing an episode of the Michael J. Fox show!) Now, there are obviously lots of words that are important in relationships. And we have a wide range of relationships with all kinds of friends, family, co-workers, acquaintances, spouses and soul mates. There are lots of words that are specifically fine-tuned to each one of those relationships. So their random conversation got me to thinking.
     At first, I thought that the six words, "I love you with all my heart" were the most important ones. But, those six words, although the strongest and most meaningful in certain situations, don't seem quite appropriate when you're returning an overdue book to Mrs. McAllister the librarian, or when you're politely asking little Tommy Sedgwick from down the street to get his bike out of your yard. "You mean the world to me" has the same narrow focus. Powerful words but they can be used inappropriately. "I am so proud of you" fits the broad overall spectrum of people and circumstances a good deal better. "I am so happy with you" does as well. But, after much thought about the options and possibilities, I have decided on what I feel are the best six words, when needed, we can use for all occasions and everyone in our lives.
     I agree with the writers from the Michael J. Fox show. The words are:  "I'm wrong. You're right. I'm sorry."
     Sorry about the contractions, but technically it's still six words. The phrase seems to fit. It shows that we are able to admit and verbalize that someone else has a better idea than we do or a better way of doing things, and that we are kind and caring enough to acknowledge that fact. It shows that we have faith and a belief in that person and that we are humble enough to say we're sorry. That means a lot. Hearing someone else say it to you makes one stop and listen carefully, doesn't it? We don't really hear it that often, you'll notice. When we do it means something special. Saying you're sorry is very hard for a lot of us. Doing so, in a quiet, thoughtful and loving way can be the ultimate act of giving. Even when said in supplication, the words hit the right note. You can't go too far wrong when saying and meaning the six words.
     So, those are the six words I believe do the job. What do you think? What six words do you think are most important?
     May the dragons watch over you...and if not, I'm wrong, you're right and I'm sorry!

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