Sunday, July 27, 2014

Deep Inside a Raft of Manuscripts...
     That's where I am, truly. I find myself writing a new The Falls novel, editing the last one that hasn't been put on Kindle yet, advertising the next to last volume on FB pages every day, editing the fourth in the series and placing it on a template for CreateSpace and proofing the third in the series from a paperback proof received on Wednesday from CreateSpace. (Not to mention working on the first Dragon World story already on Kindle, placing it on a template for CreateSpace.) Did I forget anything? Probably.
     So, I feel like no matter which way I turn, I am surrounded by Kindle versions, draft versions, and CreateSpace templates. That's not a bad thing. I enjoy and am invigorated by the work. But at times I am overwhelmed. Please tell me that every writer feels the same way at times! Chuckles.
Place on top of that a lingering sinus infection, and waiting ( I feel like we're on hold) for our contractor to come and put in new flooring in the upstairs and stairway (we have already stripped most to the extraneous things out of the rooms) and you get the basic idea.
     But it's Sunday, a day of rest. Smiles...nah. I'll still be working. Writing the next chapter for The Falls: Coldblooded in the morning and finishing editing the proof of The Falls: Fall of the Rotten Apples this afternoon. Then I'll hand off the proof to my long-suffering, patient and caring wife who will add her two cents worth. She reads twice as fast as I do, and is probably smarter than I am. She reads more books in a week than I do in a month. So I depend on her to keep me "honest" in what I write. Thank you, Carolyn.
     I hope your day is a wonderful one. May it be filled with small pleasures and may the dragons watch over you...

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

     The first proof for the third book of The Falls small town mystery series, The Falls: Fall of the Rotten Apples, has been ordered and is on its way. Funny thing. After I had set up the interior, set the cover, markets and price I sent it in to be scanned by the CreateSpace quality control squad as usual. In just a few hours it came back stating that it wasn't approved. Guess what I had done? What's the most idiotic mistake you can think of in creating a book? Right. I had misspelled the title! I had written The Falls: Fall of the Rotten Aples. Cute, huh? Mortifying! Chuckles. Ah well, they caught it, I went in and changed it and then the proof was approved. Now, I should get the proof sometime in the next few days. Then we'll be doing a blitz-edit.
     I've already set up the template for the next book, The Falls: Mud Season, book 4 in the series and have transferred about 45 pages of the text from the Kindle volume to the template. As I go though the Kindle version, editing once again and changing the format of the earlier books to the font and format I'm using now, I save the Kindle version, which I will switch out, replacing the old Kindle version once the CreateSpace paperback is set. Sort of saves a step along the way. That way both paperback and kindle version are up to date and new.
     We are waiting for the contractor to contact us about doing the flooring upstairs. Our office in the loft looks a bit bare bones at this point, trying to get ready for moving everything. Ah well. It will be nice when its done. In the meantime, we try and survive the daily lightning storms and the heat and humidity. Anyone who tells you that Florida is paradise is not telling you the whole truth. Nice sunny weather most of the time, yes. Ocean wonderful, yes. Lots of nice communities, yes. But beware because it's the lightning capital of the world. Before we understood what it was like we lost two TVs, a DirecTV DVR, the motherboard out of our garage door opener, and had four wires burned out that connect to our AC unit. We now have a FLP surge protector on the meter, battery pickup surge protectors on all electronics and unplug computers during the storms. But, a warning, nothing can stop lightning from damaging your things. Nothing. If anyone tells you different just look at them and grin with a knowing look on your face. 'Cause all electricians will agree...nothing can stop lightning.
     I have had a sinus infection for about two and a half months and the antibiotics and other treatments don't seem able to touch it for long. (I'm thinking that might be Florida's fault as dwell...but since I have no proof...we'll let it be a 'wait and see' kind of thing.)
     Back to writing...and watching the radar for lightning storms. May the dragons watch over you...and stay away from the lightning...

Thursday, July 17, 2014

In the Middle of it all...
     Have you ever felt like there were a million things going on and you were in the very center of it all, trying to keep all the balls in the air? Well, that's a pretty good description of what I'm feeling like. 
     Right now I am editing book three in The Falls small town mystery series (The Falls: Fall of the Rotten Apples) and placing it in a template to publish on CreateSpace. I'm working on the new cover as well. I'm working on the last few chapters of my work in progress, the 16th book in The Falls small town mystery series, The Falls: Boneyard. I'm advertising the 15th book, The Falls: Brotherly Love on numerous FB pages each day, while awaiting three finished paperbacks from the recently published paperback that's the second book in the series, The Falls: Summer Nightmare, published through CreateSpace. In addition, I just revised, changed the font and edited Dragon World: Dragon Magic, the first volume of The Dragon World Series on Kindle. I have already started creating a template for the Dragon World series so that I can start the publishing process with them through CreateSpace. At the same time, I'm also busily watching and Barnes & Noble. com to see when Summer Nightmare is released.
     Put all that together with the fact that I am going to be working my way down through both The Falls small town mystery series and the Dragon World Series one book at a time to publish on CreateSpace, and in the meantime working on creating the drawings and pictures to be used for all the covers, I'm beginning to feel like there isn't enough time in the day. I tend to be goal orientated and slightly anal at achieving goals, so I have to try and remember that I actually am retired and breathe.
     I'm not really complaining though. It gives me purpose and direction, which is good for me. Just wishing that it was all done and tied up with a big red bow, just because I hate not having my best work out there. Yup, perfectionist issues as well. But then, you probably knew that already, right?
    Yes, I started publishing on Kindle on a wing and a prayer, without help or guidance after spending almost two years trying to get an agent. At that point I was frustrated but determined. 24 books later, it has been quite a ride and I like to think that the stories themselves are good. But the formatting and overall packaging still needs work. That's what I'm about right now. With each Kindle book I turn into a paperback, I take the editing and update the Kindle version (placing the newly edited text, font, and cover on the old Kindle ebook to spruce it up as well).
     Anyway, the three copies of Summer Nightmare should get here today, and (crossing my fingers) if there are no all day thunderstorms, I should finish the paperback interior for Fall of the Rotten Apples template for CreateSpace. Then I can begin the publishing process on CreateSpace once again.
     Until the next time, may your day be successful, filled with small pleasures and may there be no thunderstorms. May the dragons watch over you...

Friday, July 11, 2014

Publishing in Process...
     Well, got the second proof back of The Falls: Summer Nightmare and read through the first 50 pages or so, after scanning each page for visual errors. Only found one mistake...I have Dr. Meg Monroe racing to the hospital early one morning to deal with a situation where a young boy named Pier accidentally shoots his grandfather with a homemade bow and arrow. I have about ten mentions of Pier and then on out of the blue a mention of his name being Pierce! I have no idea where that came from! Our minds do strange things to us at times. And, to be honest, I sometimes now lose the perfect word or two I wanted to use, but if I wait and move on for a minute, it will usually come right back.
     Anyway, I redid the template and the pdf of the template changing the name and resubmitted it to CreateSpace and then sent it for publishing, ordering 3 copies of the finished book to put on my bookshelf. I was asked to fill out a survey this time by CreateSpace and I did so. I found it to be fairly well done and what they wanted to know more than anything else was to find out what I liked and what they could do better. Quite refreshing actually. I was impressed. I finished it along with some very complimentary statements on my experience with the use of their website and sent it in. The only thing I would change, and I told them this, was I would make the covers a bit more flexible. I would like the ability to upload more than one picture for the cover and the ability to move the title and author boxes around on their templates. Other than that...I was quite pleased with the product, the presentation, the ease of use and the quality. I love the high quality paper they use in their books...much nicer than the mass media books. (It does cost though.)
     So, I'm waiting to see the book out on Amazon in a day or two and on Barnes and Noble and other book stores in 2-3 weeks. (They promise 5-6 weeks, but my first one was mush quicker than that.) It is a thrill to see the paperback version out there to buy. I know I probably won't sell a lot of them when the digital version costs only $2.99, but as my friend Kate told me, they are there for the avid fan or reader of the series to own and hold in their hands. They are also now available to people who don't own or use e-readers.
     Now, I'm already working on filling in the template for the third in the series, The Falls: Fall of the Rotten Apples. Truth be told, as I'm going through and editing one more time before cutting and pasting the chapters into the template, I realize that I really like the stories. Who knew? Chuckles. Well, I think all of us are too hard on our work and on our writing in general, always holding ourselves to a higher standard. But, I'm beginning to be a fan of my own work again. I used to be, until it began to become a job rather than just telling stories. Now, I'm getting back to enjoying the stories again because I've learned just enough about the editing, publishing, and advertising parts of the profession to get back to what really matters: the story.
     I'm two-thirds of the way done on The Falls: Boneyard (#16) and am advertising The Falls: Brotherly Love in FB pages at this point. Still waiting to use my stand up/sit down desk. Looking forward to the experience. Keep the faith...and believe in yourselves.
     May the dragons watch over you all... 

Saturday, July 5, 2014

The 5th of July...
     It always seems as though the day after a holiday, the 26th of December, the 2nd of January, the 5th of July for example, is so anticlimactic that it never gets paid attention to or noticed. I admit to having some sentimental feelings for those poor, unappreciated days. They are the left-overs, the never-will-bes, the forgotten dates of the calendar. From now on, I shall try and remember that all days are equal and to give a rousing good cheer and congratulations to each day as it dawns.
     That being said, I'm patiently waiting for the second proof of The Falls: Summer Nightmare to get here so I can do a quick check through and then place it on the CreateSpace "publish" list. As I wait, I'm on page 112 of the 16th Falls novel, The Falls: Boneyard and about to write the next chapter. It features bodies found in the landfill, famous young forensic pathologist/archeologist called in and a murder investigation for a girl presumed missing for twenty years. Stay tuned for more clues. I'm also editing Dragon World: Dragon Magic to be a more "user/reader friendly" Kindle book. The Dragon World books were written inWord Perfect back decades ago and cleaning them up and making them up-to-date had been a process. But the passion and pure action adventure that is still within those pages is worth saving. At least in my humble opinion. This will be my third or fourth rewrite.
     Speaking of the Dragon World Series, Dragon World: Dragon Magic, the first book of the series, is on sale for $.99 until Monday at 8:00 AM. I know, I should have waited until the rewrite was accomplished. Poor planning, but for $.99, it's a bargain in any format.
     Still waiting to get out upstairs flooring done. The contractors we use are wonderful and in high demand, so we are willing to wait. Good things come to...well you know the rest.
     I'm still finding FB pages to advertise on. Heaven knows how many there must be out there. I love writing, but the advertising, "pushing my wares" like an old fashioned street vendor in Elizabethan London gets old fast. I'm not the pushy type. Never have been. A leader, quick decision maker and go-getter, yes. Pushing my wares, not so much. Guess that's why I made a good school principal for so many years.
     Until the next chapter of this little blog (Whoever came up with that word! I feel like a toad with warts croaking out of a little lily pond when I call what I write a 'blog'!) I bid you a fond adieu. May the dragons watch over you...

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Tropical Depression #1...Arthur...
     The treasure coast of Florida has a unique summer season. Each day we wait for the afternoon showers and lightning storms. For those of you who don't already know, southern Florida is the lightning capitol of our country. We count the number of lightning strikes in an area by the hundreds rather than individually. Clearly, that does wonderful things for a writer who needs to get on his desktop to write. At this point, I use an iMac 27" screen with an external disk drive and an external hard drive that's about the size of a cigarette pack (called a Passport). I turn it off and disconnect the cord even though we have battery powered surge protectors upstairs and down. You scoff? Well, here's the compelling evidence that makes me do so. The first three years we lived here, we lost two TVs, a DirectTV DVR, the mother board in the garage door opener was fried and we had our AC knocked silly several times.
     We now have a Florida Light and Power surge protector on our meter, which helps to buffer any lightning strikes to appliances, battery powered surge protectors for all electronics and we turn things off (such as computers, TVs, DirectTV DVRs) during thunder and lighting storms. It's obvious to see that summer storms tend to hamper my writing. On a normal day I write in the morning and edit in the afternoon. I also use the computer to blog, twitter, to advertise on approximately 40 FB pages and to do the normal email, etc.
     By the way... just finished editing the template for Summer Nightmare (the second The Falls novel) on CreateSpace and submitted it. Within a few hours I will receive an email stating that the manuscript and cover have been accepted and then I can send for another proof (the second), I'll go through the book quickly, looking for obvious anomalies and errors and a few specific issues, then I will publish and send for several copies of the book at the author's price. Two down and a myriad of manuscripts to go...chuckles.
     So, Tropical Storm Arthur, (it's now been named officially...that means it is now longer a tropical depression, and has become a tropical storm) I can hear your thunder in the distance and see your wind and light rain as it comes and goes. Here's to letting me finish this blog, check the email and FB and sign off. Then, go ahead and rumble and roll. Thanks for the temporary reprieve. It is appreciated. 
     Here's hoping your afternoon, dear reader, is a wonderful one, filled with small pleasures and may the dragons watch over you...