Sunday, September 4, 2022

 Just a quick thought

     I am still having problems with Facebook. It won't allow me to post ads toothier facebook pages. I also hate the new version.and have switched back to classic version...which they say is going away soon. I sometimes wonder why people have to screw around with things that work in the name of change.

     Just a reminder, The Falls: The Curse is the latest of The Falls small town mystery series in digital form and the Falls: The Bully is the latest paperback that's out. Working on the next one, about halfway through. I write each day, while I eat breakfast at a standup desk on my iMac 24". I use Word and then transfer to a template that my friend Eileen Shannon created for me when I create the KDP paperback.

     Have a great day! Be safe and care about others. That's what the folks in The Falls would do,

     May the dragons watch over you (old Scottish saying).


Friday, August 26, 2022

 Hey There!

     Here's hoping your day is going well. I have been in Facebook Jail for a month now. Something is really off. I got sent there for simply posting my latest book on Facebook web pages such as Passion for Books, Amazon Kindle, Kindle Books, etc. 

    I know they've changed the rules, but I'm at a loss. Guess I'll figure it out. But what's objectionable about posting an ad for a mystery? Don't get it. And there's no easy way of contacting them, which is just wrong.

     Anyway, since then the 47th digital story has come out and I'm trying to find ways to get the word out there. I have joined Instagram and MeWe. Not my choice...but ways to get out ads.

     The new story is The Falls: The Curse, and it's available at the Kindle Store on It starts out as being a great day in The falls. Then people start noticing that two very prominent citizens are missing. Then it all goes sideways.

     Hope you enjoy it! Have a great (if sweltering) day.

     May the dragons watch over you...


Tuesday, July 26, 2022

 Facebook Jail

     Well I have been in Facebook jail for nearly three weeks now. For posting ads of my latest The Falls book, no less. The Falls: Assassin. Maybe it's the word assassin. Who knows. And there really is no easy way to contact them to complain. I have marked the 'disagree'
circle but they also state that they don't have enough people to check it out.

     So if you aren't seeing my ads on Facebook recently...that's why. I will be back. In the meantime, I have now started up Instagram and MeWe accounts. (Shakes my head.) All I want to do is write stories. The world is a strange place nowadays my friends.

     So, enjoy the blistering heat and know that some day soon, The Falls will be returning to a Facebook page near you!

     Keep the faith. I appreciate all of you...

George (Facebook Felon)

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Good Morning...

     Surprise! I'm actually adding a post! Amazing, huh? I'm in the midst of starting a new story and editing The Falls: Italian Connection for paperback. Busy as usual. I'm patterned. Writing in the morning while i eat breakfast, edit in the afternoon after my wife Carolyn and I eat lunch and watch a show or movie we have taped. I have been painting all the trim and doors, giving them a fresh new look. A little bit every day. 

I have found that this last bout with an upper respiratory infection has left me a bit sort on stamina and breath. Took awhile to get over and two different antibiotics and steroids along with nebulizing treatments. My lungs are weak from having asthma since I was five and living back in Vermont for the first forty-four years of my life. I try not to let that keep me from doing the things I like and need to do.

Enough about that. You would think that after writing 46 volumes on The Falls I would be running out of ideas and energy. But not so far. The little town is my special place. A plan e where the folks live and laugh and love and even though they might squabble, they always support each other in the end. Considering what the world is really like right's a calming place to go.

Hope your days are special. Stay safe, Covid isn't done with us yet, so use your common sense.

May the dragons watch over you all...


Tuesday, May 3, 2022


      I know...I's been forever. Lots of work, lots of stuff going on with Covid, new babies, trips to the ER and other stuff thrown it. Just stopping by to let you know that book 47 The Falls: Assassin is out in Kindle and that book 42 The Falls Vandalism and Heraldry is out in paperback! Hope you are all doing well.

      We took several trips last fall and winter, masks, wiping everything down and were lucky not to contract anything. As this new year begins to define itself, I must tell you how heartbroken I am for Ukraine. The brutality and cruelty of Putin shocks and reviles me. Better the man hand never been born. As you know, my stories always aim for happy endings. I truly believe that's the world should be...and could be if people did the right things.

        We need to stick together...the majority off decent, caring people, and stand up to the bullies, the thugs and the dictators in all phases of our lives. If I had my wish...we would all stand in front of those less fortunate and weak and protect them.

          Until the next reading, care about people and may the dragons watch over you...
