And so it goes...
I've been keeping my nose to the grindstone. Just sent for the second proof of The Falls: Making a List, Checking it Twice from CreateSpace. I edited it, lots of things to touch up this time, revised the cover and resubmitted it and ordered the second proof.
I'm not sure if I ever wrote about the cover process. The covers I do now for the paperbacks are all drawn by me using a medium-fine width drawing pen and professional grade colored pencils. I cut the artwork out and place them, along with the appropriate logo, on a background. The backgrounds are 12" by 12" construction papers that I bought in a pack (about twenty-five colors with 4 sheets of each color in case I need a bigger background). I buy most of my stuff from Michael's by the way. Then I take several pictures of it with my Galaxy 4 phone (both longways and sideways) and upload them to my email. From there I place them on my desktop, rename them and then use them to download to the cover creator in CreateSpace. It's a bit cumbersome, but works for me at the moment.
I am editing and placing The Falls: Fourth of July, Kindle version, into a template for CreateSpace, and I'm about two-thirds done. At the same time I'm nearly finished with The Falls: Coldblooded for Kindle. Should finish with two or three more chapters, then I'll go through and edit, then place it on Kindle. I haven't come up with a cover for it yet. I'm thinking just a handgun lying on it's side with a bullet next to it. Since the story is about the revenge of rogue FBI agent Ruth Graham, that would seem appropriate. I'm into simple. Less is more. You know the drill.
The standing desk has not been lowered since I put it up to stand and type. I really like it this way and am getting quite comfortable with the position. And it's better for me. I find myself moving around slightly as I type, burning a calorie her and a calorie there. I've lost about 25 pounds, maybe more and have gone down a couple of pant sizes in the last few months. Carolyn has done really well, but that's her story to tell.
Here's hoping that everyone is doing well and is ready for fall. I say that with a touch in cheek here in Florida. It's in the high 80's, high humidity and lots of rain to go along with lots of sun. May the dragons watch over you all...