Thursday, February 27, 2014

JK Rowling...
     I dislike soapboxes, unless I feel particularly inspired or angered. But the recent attack by fellow writers on JK Rowling has left me shaking my head in disgust and disapproval. I've never been big on people taking vicious jabs and pokes at colleagues, of any profession. It smacks of jealousy, pettiness and simply outright meanness. 
     The recent attacks on JK Rowling should infuriate every writer, no matter their genre or literary success. From the would be aspiring novelist to the most seasoned, successful writer, we should, as a group, rise up and condemn the mean spirited attacks on one of our own.
     To JK Rowling, whom I'm sure will never see this little epistle, I would like to simply say: keep writing. Write what you believe in and what inspires you. But mainly, keep writing. Don't let those who envy you, the haters, the mean spirited bigots, keep you from weaving your stories and telling your tales. Keep writing. Weave a story of another Harry Potter, or tell the tale of another town and it's hidden secrets. It doesn't matter. Just keep writing.
     Ignore the petty jabs and derogatory rhetoric. What ever those people have to say isn't worth the time to read it. Don't let them still your proverbial pen. Just keep writing.
     All of us, as writers, need to take the same advice. Whatever people tell us, whatever we are told by agents, publishers or even disgruntled readers: keep on writing. Create worlds, weave stories, tell tales. Use the gift we were given. Be the writer you know you have inside. We owe it to ourselves, our families and our readers. We owe it to our muse.
     And for the millions of readers and book fans all over the world, show the haters what you think by ignoring them as well. Don't read what they write and don't give their reviews the dignity of reading them anymore. Let them know they have crossed the decency line.
     So, to JK Rowling....and to all the writers and aspiring writers all over the globe: just keep writing.
     May the dragons watch over all of us.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Plot or Characters...Chicken or the Egg?
     There are two things that drive a story, any story.  The characters and the plot. Different writers obviously develop their plots and their characters in a number of various ways. But I think we would all agree that those two essential items are at the center, the foundation of our stories, our storytelling. But from there, it becomes a little like the age old riddle: Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
     I even notice a difference in my own storytelling, depending on the genre. In writing my dragon rider series, Dragon World, I find that the plot has a definite rhythm to it. It flows smoothly, swiftly and although I get ideas as I go along and incorporate them, I have a specific end in mind. The characters (even though they are very strong and independent) definitely facilitate the plot and enhance it, but they unswervingly follow the scenes and happenings as it moves along.
     My small town mystery series, The Falls small town mystery series, on the other hand, is character driven. I start with a concept, and then the town of colorful characters takes over, wending it's way along, sometimes like a babbling brook, sometimes like a fast moving stream and at times, like a flood swollen river roaring out to the sea. The characters "speak to me" if you will, telling me where to go, pointing out little side stories and signaling me what pace to use. They are my ghosts writers if you will. They have as much say in where the story will go as I do.
     Now, take a moment, and think about your favorite authors. Try and remember the writing style. Do the characters drive the plot, or does the plot carry the characters along with it? Perhaps it's a little of both. It's an interesting way to look at the authors you read. When you settle down with a good book, see if you can tell which component has the upper hand, if indeed, either one does.
     So, which came first, the chicken or the egg? My money's on the chicken, because how else do you get the egg? Chuckles...
     May the dragons watch over you...(and yes, dragons lay eggs!)

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Valentine's Day
     It's almost Valentine's day. If you're looking for a mystery that has that Valentine's Day feel, check out The Falls: Cupid's Arrow on sale at the Kindle store for only $.99 until Friday! 
     What would happen if Cupid shot his famous arrows of love using a real bow and arrow? Well, pick up a copy of The Falls: Cupid's Arrow to find out. Plenty of plot twists, colorful characters and a love story thrown in. Tuesday through Friday, this volume from The Falls small town mystery series is on sale, as a Valentine's gift to you!
     Happy Valentine's Day! May the dragons watch over you all...

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Cozy on Up!
     A large thank you to Barbara Jean Coast and her Adventures in Writing page! Barbara Jean (the pen name of authors Andrea Taylor and Heather Shkuratoff) is the author of the Poppy Cove Mystery series! She included a reference to me and The Falls small town mystery series I write in their post for today at 
     We were mentioned in reference to the poll we set up and participated in on the FB page of Mystery Most Cozy.  A relatively large number of different authors and readers participated and there were almost eighty comments on what a cozy mystery actually is or should be. As might be expected there were a number of characteristics that were held in common agreement and others that seemed to be left up to the individual. 
     Please follow the link, check out their post, and see what you think. There is also an earlier post on my blog that gives you the statistics involved.
     Again, many thanks to Andrea and Heather, and hats off to Barbara Jean Coast! As usual she is the ultimate lady and it's no mystery that she's a great author!
     May the dragons watch over them, and you...

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Blockbuster Sale!!!!!
     This weekend, February 8/9, volumes 5, 6, 7 are on sale at the Kindle Store for only $.99 each! The titles are:
     The Falls: Making a List, Checking it Twice

     The Falls: May Flowers

     The Falls: Fourth of July     

     Also...Just in time for Valentine's Day, The Falls: Cupid's Arrow will be on sale for only $.99 from Tuesday, February 11 through Friday, February 14th!

     I hope you are able to take advantage of these big sales! All books discounted down from their regular price of $2.99! Happy Valentine's Day to all the readers of The Falls from the dragons and me!
     May the dragons watch over you...

Friday, February 7, 2014

Poll on What are Cozies Anyway?
     A couple of days ago I placed a poll question on the Mystery Most Cozy home page. It basically was asking the writers and readers that frequent that FB page what goes into making a cozy. I don't know about the rest of you, but I have listened to a number of people debating about what elements a cozy must have in order to be considered a cozy. I thought it would be interesting to see what our membership thought.
     So here are the results as of Friday, February 7th. This poll is obviously random, but a large number of people did participate (along with nearly 80 comments clarifying their positions). People could check as many items as they wanted and they could add characteristics. The results are interesting, if for no other reason than it begins to solidify what writers and readers of cozies believe a cozy is. I want to thank everyone who took the time to add their two cents worth. It sparked a lively discussion, which was the purpose in the first place.

Here are the items that I, and others, placed on the poll (listed in frequency to help clarify):

It is a mystery without a great deal of bloodshed                                     69
It shouldn't have graphic sex                                                                    55
There should be no graphic violence                                                        47
There must be some likable and interesting protagonists                         42
It should have amateur sleuths                                                                  31
It should have humor (even black humor) to temper act of violence        30
There shouldn't be any foul language                                                        30
It should be a comfort read                                                                        19
Needs to have a happy ending                                                                   12
Children must never be harmed                                                                 11
It should have a cozy cover                                                                         8
Setting needs to be a small town or village                                                 7
Needs to have cats or dogs                                                                          5  
Needs to incorporate food in some way                                                      2
Needs to have at least one quirky character                                                3
Can't be objectionable in any way                                                               4

     Placing the poll on here makes it a bit easier for anyone who wants to look back at it. It was an interesting premise. Obviously, this isn't the definite version of what a cost is, but it shows what the people thought over the past 2-3 days on Mystery Most Cozy. Thanks goes to Jenny Hanahan. the administrator and moderator.
     May the dragons watch over all of us...and cozies as well...