Summer's Here...
Okay...that's tongue in cheek. I live in Tradition, Florida summer is almost year round. People who say that Florida has seasons really haven't lived for any length of time anywhere else. Florida has two and warm. (With a few days of odd cool temps thrown in for novelty.)
I'm working on the ending of the next Falls novel. The Falls: Manuscript of Revenge is the title...or maybe The Falls: Manuscript, or The Falls: Murder Manuscript. We'll see. I just finished setting The Falls: The Grass is Always Greener into paperback and I'm editing The Falls: Full Circle as the next to be transformed into paperback.
This past week was a bit busy. My wife, Carolyn and I volunteer at the local hospital. She works in Labor and Delivery and I work in Guest Relations which is basically taking people being discharged out in wheelchairs. Anyway, I had a patient that started bleeding profusely from the arm where he had just had an IV. Happened out by the golf cart that's used to take people to their cars in the parking lot. I mean really bleeding. I sprinted to the nearby ER with the man, and after getting him taken care of and wiping down the wheelchair (which got covered in blood) I got him back to the golf cart and to his car. Had to let security know that maintenance should be aware of the blood on floors, out front and the wheelchair itself. Was a bit disconcerting but a hell of a story...which means you'll probably see it happen in one of The Falls stories.
Also had several sections of our new fence replaced because the incompetent road crew got tar on it when resurfacing our roads. Had to take out half of the soil in the long (twenty feet) raised bed that rests against the fence. Carolyn and I did that one day, then I put it back a couple of days ago. Today we got new tomato plants and pepper plants to go in the raised bed. Replaced a beautiful flowering plant as well. Have to admit...I love puttering in the garden and summer room. (We just refinished the long plant stand in there.)
Jeb and Zeke would say that I probably would fit right in The Falls. There are parts of me in so many characters. And parts of people I knew when I was a child as well. I can honestly say that The Falls is in me as I am in The Falls. I hope you all enjoy the stories. That would mean the world to me.
May the dragons watch over you all...