The Falls: Inferno...
The Falls: Inferno has been out as an eBook on Kindle for about two weeks now. If you gotten a chance to read it, I hope you've enjoyed it. As the folks from The Falls and I head head toward our "coming of age" (21) volume, we would like to ask you, our readers, what you would like to see happen in The Falls. If you have a particular thing you'd like to see happen, a relationship you'd like to see expanded, or a neat twist to a plot line, send them to me! The characters in The Falls suggest things all the time! You can either leave a note here on the blog or send your idea to That's what I use as my usual business email.
My wife, Carolyn is now in the process of Beta reading The Falls: Revenge (#12 in the series) in paperback form. I finished proofreading it a few days ago. I'm also in the process of editing, updating and then transferring the 13th in the series, The Falls: Thanksgiving into CreateSpace format. When that's ready, I'll be sending it to CreateSpace to set up a proof. I'm also in the middle of writing the 21st in the series. It doesn't have a proper name yet. But I'm about a third of the way into it. Yes, I keep busy.
The summer has been oppressive here on what they call the Treasure Coast of Florida. (We live in a recently created town called Tradition in the middle of the city of Port St Lucie.) It's far from the setting of The falls back in Vermont. But, I remember a number of really hot and humid days back in the heartland of the Green Mountain State when we lived there. I remember horse flies as big as your pinky! Mosquitoes nearly the size of dragon flies! Well, okay...maybe not quite that big. Noseeums! I remember them as well. Anyway, it's hot and get the idea. New Mexico was hot, but it cooled down at night and it never had the humidity we have here.
Still working at my stand-up desk. Love it! I wear a Fitbit now and get in my 10,000 steps a day between walking, the gym and walking in place when I'm editing at the desk. Until the next time...may the dragons watch over you...